Milk works with the new generation of business leaders and social change makers across industries and social sectors – from CEOs, entrepreneurs and communication directors to NGO leaders, city officials and institutional leaders. We help you strategise, plan and execute long-term communication programs, build communication platforms, develop your brand or visual identity, and organise campaigns and public interventions that make your thing popular.
Talk to Milk at or simply schedule a Zoom call with us to learn more about possibilities of cooperation.
Milk is a collective of editors, designers, visual artists, communication planners, project facilitators, creators, writers, photographers, illustrators and motion designers. Our clients are CEOs, CMOs, institutional leaders, cities, civic organisations, foundations, entrepreneurs, academics and grassroots teams. We help them plan and execute communication programs, campaigns and public interventions that nurture healthier communities, kinder cultures and new social or industry traditions. Our work is sometimes connected to brands and products, at other times, we work independently from commercial influences.
© 2024 Büro Milk s.r.o., Klemensova 4, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovakia, Business ID 36768138, VAT reg. no. SK2022369723